• First of all, I would like to warmly welcome all of you to the new season of the Fatmimi adventure (the old one is there: http://fatmimi.kif.fr/).

    In English this time...
    My poor little things, you don't know what you're into. Me neither by the way. Writing in English?? What the fuck? Once I'll decide to stop doing such stupid things, my life might become easier.

    But as I am right now in Canada, let's do that à la Shakespeare. Moreover, I want you foreign people to be able to read what my dysfunctional mind will write on the blog (with the noticeable help of my hands and a keyboard).
    Ooooooor : those of you who do not understand French, be kind enough to stop whatever the fuck you are currently doing, take like two or three years of French class, go to Paris la vie en rose l'amour oui oui voilà la baguette déjà vu, come back and read it in original version.
    Do we have a deal??


    No? Boaf, in English then. Why do we talk so much for just the same result. I talk alone? Sorry, my fault.

    Now that that is clear, let's write something interesting (no warranty).
    Next time.

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